Now available: FWP+: Limit size of posts

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

I’m happy to announce the initial release (2010.0120) of FWP+: Limit size of posts, an open-source add-on module for the FeedWordPress feed syndication tool. Limit Size of Posts provides a simple interface for limiting the size of incoming syndicated posts to no more than a fixed number of words, or a fixed number of characters. […]

Now available: Add Attribution for FeedWordPress

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

I am happy to announce the initial release (2009.0714) of Add Attribution for FeedWordPress, an open-source add-on module for the FeedWordPress feed syndication tool. Add Attribution provides a user-friendly interface for adding boilerplate text to be displayed as part of the title, excerpt, or content of posts that FeedWordPress has syndicated from other sources, which […]