FeedWordPress has moved to feedwordpress.radgeek.com(posted on 24 July 2009)
FeedWordPress users,
If you’ve visited http://projects.radgeek.com/feedwordpress/ recently, then you have already found this out courtesy of an HTTP redirect; but for those of you who are following the feed, I’d like you to know that I am in the process of setting up a new, dedicated space for FeedWordPress at http://feedwordpress.radgeek.com/.
The new website will serve as a project landing pad and a blog for announcements and updates, just like always. But there’s also an important new feature, which is the main reason for the move: by giving FeedWordPress a shiny new Drupal site of its own, I will be able to create a new FeedWordPress community Wiki, which I hope will serve two purposes.
First, it will make it easier (for me, and perhaps also with the help of the FeedWordPress user community) to bring the (woefully out-of-date) documentation for the project back into line with reality, and then to expand and improve on it.
Second, I hope that with a community Wiki it will be possible to begin developing more community features around the FeedWordPress framework than the cramped project page allowed for. In particular, I hope that it will provide a space for people to discuss and to share filters and other add-ons that take advantage of FeedWordPress’s extensive, but currently mostly untapped, filtering capabilities. Sample themes, sample code for filters and add-ons, discussions of outstanding issues, fixes, and new features for FeedWordPress; I’m opening this up to y’all, and I’m excited to see what we can develop together.
See you at http://feedwordpress.radgeek.com/!
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